Video Transcription
Walker: Hi, this is Walker and I’m here with Linda, and we are working with her on closing this property. So Linda, I had just a couple questions for you. How did you hear about Sell House Columbus originally?
Linda: I was on the computer looking for a company and I saw yours and I was impressed with the presentation.
Walker: Okay, perfect. Well, we definitely appreciate that. My next question is, how has your experience been working with us?
Linda: Very good. Very good.
Walker: Okay. Well, we appreciate that also. And the last question is, if you knew that someone was selling their house, would you recommend us to work with them?
Linda: Yes, I would. In fact, I’ve all ready recommended you to a person.
Walker: Oh wow. Well thank you very much. Well, we are glad that you enjoyed working with us. We enjoyed working with you as well, and we’re glad that we got this chance to work with you.
Linda: Thank you.
Walker: Thank you.