Video Transcription
Walker: Hi, this is Walker with Sell House Columbus. I’m here with George Christopher. We are purchasing his home, and just wanting to get a couple of questions from you, George. How did you hear about us initially?
George C.: Actually, I found it on a Google search. You’re the first one on there.
Walker: Okay, awesome. Did you like the website when you got on?
George C.: Yep.
Walker: Yeah? All right, awesome. How has your experience been working with us so far?
George C.: Very good, because everything’s been explained to me and taken care of.
Walker: Awesome. Well, we try to do good business. If you were to tell someone that’s thinking about selling their home, about us, what would you tell them and why would you tell them to work with us?
George C.: Yes, I would recommend you because you’re very thorough and you just get things done. [crosstalk 00:00:56].
Walker: Awesome. Thanks, George. Yeah, we try to do what we say every time and we definitely appreciate you and we’re looking forward to getting this thing done with you. Thanks.
George C.: Okay-