Video Transcription
Walker: Hi, this is Walker and I’m with Sell House Columbus. And this is Robert. We are purchasing his home today. And how did you hear about us, Robert?
Robert: I heard about y’all online doing online searching. It’s my first time ever selling a home. It’s also my first time trying to buy a home, as well. The process for looking, I was up against a lot, but Sell Columbus came first, so I chose it. It it was pretty adequate. It was what I was looking before as far as what information I needed to sell my home.
Walker: Okay, awesome. And how has your experience been working with us?
Robert: Oh, it’s been great. Real fast. I really didn’t have to do too much of anything. Just go over with Walker, the steps come to the office, everything was done for me.
Walker: Awesome. And I know you said this is your first time selling your house and I know earlier we were talking and you said you were a little skeptical, and didn’t want to be taken advantage of. So what would you say to someone else that’s in a similar situation to you and why would you recommend them to us? Why would you recommend them working with us?
Robert: There’s a lot of competitors out there. A lot of people who will try to buy your house for pennies and peanuts, who will just randomly give you a closing total number and want to be done with it. Sell Columbus actually gave me other options.
It wasn’t just soulfully they was working for themselves. They told me I could go elsewhere with other people, I could do this, gave me other competitors’ pricing. So it showed me that they were real, legitimate and upfront, honest company.
Walker: Awesome. Awesome. Well, I’m glad that you chose us and we’re glad that we can get this deal done together with you, and I thank you for your time, Robert.
Robert: Thank you, Walker.
Walker: Yes, sir.